Making a Referral for Primary Behaviour Support
Referral process for accessing support.
Making A Referral for Support
Schools are reminded of the graduated approach to supporting their children and young people with SEN under the new SEN Framework and SEN Code of Practice: Identification, Assessment and Provision by Schools.
The decision to make a request for Stage 2 provision should be made following the review of a child’s progress at Stage 1 of the Code of Practice through their Personal Learning Plan (PLP) and consideration that all appropriate school-based provision ( as detailed in the school’s SEN Provision Map) has been exhausted. Discussions should take place between the Special Educational Needs Coordinator (SENCo), the principal, teachers, appropriate EA advisory and support service and the parent that Stage 2 provision may be necessary.
To help inform the school’s deliberations, the school should also review the actions which have taken place with reference to the appropriate checklist in the Annexes to the Code of Practice.
Referral Pathway
1 School Completes Online Referral
The school completes the appropriate referral form requesting support for either in school individual pupil intervention or consideration of an EOTAS Partnership Placement
2 Baseline Assessment / Initial Consultation
Once the referral is received, the Service will contact the school to complete a baseline assessment or initial consultation of the child, gathering further information to help inform and guide appropriate support.
3 Referral Decision
The educational setting will be notified of the decision and it is their responsibility to notify the parent or carer.
Referral Pathway
This referral pathway is for a child with social, behavioural, emotional and wellbeing difficulties.
Referred children can access this support with or without a Statement of Special Educational Needs (SEN).
For certain intensive pupil intervention a request from the school must be made in consultation with an EA Educational Psychologist.
Schools should contact the Service’s Telephone Advice and Support Helpline and allow 6 weeks for the suggested strategies to be embedded prior to making a referral to the Service.
- Complete Online Referral Form: Schools must complete the appropriate referral forms for either a period of individual pupil intervention or an EOTAS Partnership Placement. These forms can be found on AnyComms and a C2K username and login is required.
- Individual Pupil Referral (IPR) Form
- EOTAS Placement Consideration Form
- Assessment / Consultation: Once the referral is received and processed, a member of the Service will get in touch with the school to complete a baseline assessment, or an initial consultation, of the child, by gathering information from them, their parents or carers (if relevant), and school staff. This assessment informs and guides appropriate support, which is needs-led.
- Decision: The educational setting will be notified of the decision and it is their responsibility to notify the parent or carer. Where a referral is not deemed appropriate, we issue a letter to the school advising of the decision explaining why the referral has not been accepted and discuss any additional information which may be required or to discuss next steps by contacting our Telephone Advice & Support Helpline.