Contact the Down Syndrome Service
The Down Syndrome Service can be contacted for advice and information specific to children and young people who have, or may have, Down syndrome.
Find out about the support available for your child or young person.
The support provided by SENIS DS is based on the specific learning needs of your child or young person with a medical diagnosis of DS and may include:
Our Service can provide advice and guidance to parents and children as well as dedicated resources covering a range of topics.
Training for parents may include workshops highlighting areas of need and appropriate strategies to address these, transition from primary to post-primary, behaviour, and puberty.
Parents of pre-school aged children will be contacted directly by SENID DS about training available to them.
Schools can access training via the Children and Young People's Service Training Programme.
Children and young people with a medical diagnosis of Down syndrome, with associated SEN, and who have been assessed by an EA Educational Psychologist, may be provided with bespoke support, where appropriate.
To provide the most appropriate level of support, our Service will work together with a child or young person, their parents, educational staff and other professionals.
Support may be provided in the home for those children who are below the age of pre-school education. Support for children and young people who attend a pre-school setting or school will be provided within their setting.
Parents or carers of a child or young person with Down syndrome who has not been referred to the SENIS Down Syndrome (SENIS DS) Service can contact the service for advice and information.
The Down Syndrome Service can be contacted for advice and information specific to children and young people who have, or may have, Down syndrome.