Contact the Moderate Learning Difficulties Service
The Moderate Learning Difficulties Service can be contacted for advice and information specific to children and young people who have, or may have, moderate learning difficulties.
Referral process for accessing support.
Schools are reminded of the graduated response to supporting their children and young people with SEN under the new SEN Framework and SEN Code of Practice: Identification, Assessment and Provision by Schools.
The decision to make a request for Stage 2 provision should be made following the review of a child’s progress at Stage 1 of the Code of Practice, through their Personal Learning Plan (PLP) and consideration of that all appropriate school-based provision (as detailed in the school’s SEN Provision Map) haves been exhausted. Discussions should take place between the Special Educational Needs Coordinator (SENCo), the principal, teachers, appropriate EA advisory and support service and the parent or child over compulsory school age that Stage 2 provision may be necessary.
To help inform the school’s decisions, the school should also review the appropriate checklist in the Annexes to the Code of Practice.
Referral pathway for Moderate Learning Difficulties is for a child or young person with Moderate Learning Difficulties alongside associated SEN needs, as recorded on the SEN Register of the school.
Referred children can access support with or without a Statement of Special Educational Needs. Referrals can be made in the following ways
The Educational Psychologist consults with the Special Educational Needs Coordinator to determine if a referral is required.
An EA Educational Psychologist makes a referral to the Service on behalf of the parents or carers and the school that the child attends.
If the referral is accepted the Service will contact the school to complete a baseline assessment of the child, gathering further information to help inform and guide appropriate support.
The Moderate Learning Difficulties Service can be contacted for advice and information specific to children and young people who have, or may have, moderate learning difficulties.