Support available to schools from the Moderate Learning Difficulties Service

Find out about the support available to educational settings.

The SEN Inclusion Service for Moderate Learning Difficulties supports children and young people with Special Educational Needs arising from difficulties in the following SEN Category:

  • Cognition and Learning (C&L)

The SENIS MLD is a regional service made up of a team of professionals with knowledge, understanding and specific training in Moderate Learning Difficulties and associated SEN. The team supports primary and post-primary aged children and young people and the mainstream schools that they attend.

We provide training, advice and support while working for the effective inclusion of children and young people with Moderate Learning Difficulties.

Special Educational Needs Coordinators may also access resources from their local Moderate Learning Difficulty Advisory Teacher or by contacting the Service.   


Part of our role is to support  children and young people, their parents and  schools by providing training. We offer a regional and school-based training programme, specifically designed for school staff in primary and post-primary mainstream schools.

This includes an online training service that school staff may access via the Children and Young People's Service Training Programme. Alternatively, school Special Educational Needs Coordinators may request face-to-face training via your Moderate Learning Difficulty Advisory Teacher or by contacting the Service.

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Contact the Moderate Learning Difficulties Service

The Moderate Learning Difficulties Service can be contacted for advice and information specific to children and young people who have, or may have, moderate learning difficulties.