Criteria and timeline for accessing support

Timeline and criteria for accessing support.

Criteria and Timelines are under review as part of the SEND Transformation Programme. They are also impacted by the current significant financial constraints and pressures facing education.

Criteria for Accessing Support from the Service

The SEN Early Years Inclusion Service follows a ‘model of continuum support.’ All children who are referred to SENEYIS through the Early Years Hub (EYH) have an identified SEND.

Resources are available to parents or carers and early education settings who support a child who has been referred to our Service.

Training is available to parents or carers and staff of early education settings who support a child who has been referred to our Service. 

Advice and Support is available to all setting staff, other relevant professionals and parents or carers of children who have been referred to SENEYIS through the EYH. This may include drop-in sessions for identified parents, advisory support for setting staff and/or Link Officer support for leaders who have attended the Leadership & Management training programme.

Pupil Support may be available in a very small number of cases, to a child who has been referred to the SENEYIS through the EYH.

Can a Child or Young Person Access the Service without a Statement of Special Educational Needs?

Yes, a child can access the SEN Early Years Inclusion Service without a Statement of SEND.

Timeline for Accessing Support from the Service

All referrals to the Service are discussed on a monthly basis. Following discussion, we will assign a team member to the child.  Within two weeks of the child being assigned, the team member will make telephone contact with the family to gather information and discuss the involvement available from the Service and when it is likely to commence.

Our involvement may include:

  • Signposting parents/carers to online resources
  • Providing links to online parent training clusters
  • Providing links to training available to setting staff
  • A setting or home visit to observe the child
  • Parent/carer advice and guidance
  • Pre-school staff advice and guidance

Should the recommended involvement from the Service be a setting/home visit, we aim to share recommendations from that visit with parents/carers and setting staff within two weeks of the visit.

1 Referral received

4 weeks

2 Team member assigned

2 weeks

3 Telephone contact with parent or carer

2 weeks

4 Setting or home visit (if required)

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Contact the SEN Early Years Service

The SEN Early Years Service can be contacted for advice and information specific to pre-school children who have, or may have, special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND).