Making a Referral for Consideration of Statutory Assessment
Find out about the referral process.
Making a Referral for Consideration of Statutory Assessment
Schools are reminded of the graduated response to supporting their children and young people with SEN under the new SEN Framework and SEN Code of Practice: Identification, Assessment and Provision by Schools.
The decision to make a referral for consideration of statutory assessment and possible Stage 3 provision should be made following the review of a child’s progress at Stages 1 and 2 of the Code of Practice. NB For recording purposes, school are recording children on the new 3 stages of the Code of Practice but adhering to the guidance set out in the 1998 Code of Practice. This should be evaluated through outcomes of their Individual Education Plan (IEP) or Personal Learning Plan (PLP) and consideration that all appropriate school-based provision (as detailed in the school’s SEN Provision Map) and EA SEND Services provision has been exhausted.
Discussions should take place between the Special Educational Needs Coordinator (SENCo), the principal, teachers, any applicable EA SEND services, an EA Educational Psychologist and parents or carers that statutory assessment may be necessary.
A referral for consideration of a statutory assessment does not automatically lead to a statutory assessment being initiated or to a statement of special educational needs being written.
While the Education Authority is considering carrying out statutory assessment, the child will continue at Stage 2 of the SEN Code of Practice and continue to receive SEN provision from their school, alongside EA SEND Services and medical professionals (if applicable).