Contact the Sensory Service
The Sensory Service can be contacted for advice and information specific to children and young people who have, or may have, who are deaf/hard of hearing, have a vision impairment, or who have a multi-sensory impairment.
Criteria and timeline for accessing support.
Criteria and Timelines are under review as part of the SEND Transformation Programme. They are also impacted by the current significant financial constraints and pressures facing education.
Referrals to the Sensory Service usually come from Health and Social Care Trusts. Evidence must be available from health professionals to support the diagnosis and/or history, and parents/carers must be consulted and in agreement for the referral.
For referrals which lie outside the thresholds stated below, the service may be able to provide a one-off visit, offer information about useful resources or provide telephone advice.
The Service accepts referrals for children with:
The Service will accept referrals for children and young people with a medically diagnosed eye condition affecting both eyes who have:
Yes, children and young people are able to access the Sensory Service without a Statement of Special Educational Needs.
Parents, educational settings and other professionals can contact the Sensory Service for advice if they have concerns about a child who may be deaf/hard of hearing or may have a vision impairment that is not yet identified.
2 - 5 working days
4 weeks
The Sensory Service can be contacted for advice and information specific to children and young people who have, or may have, who are deaf/hard of hearing, have a vision impairment, or who have a multi-sensory impairment.