About the Medical Needs Service
General information about the Medical Needs Team and who they work with.
Who we are
The Special Educational Needs Inclusion Service (SENIS) Medical Needs is a team of dedicated staff who specialise in providing advice and support to educational settings and schools and parents or carers of children and young people living with a medical condition.
Who we work with
- Other EA services;
- External agencies including schools and Health and Social Care Trusts;
- Public Health Agency;
- Families and carers of children and young people; and
- Charities.
A number of other professionals may be involved and GDPR guidelines are adhered to at all times. Permission will always be gained from those with parental responsibility to discuss any child.
Support for Your Child / Parent or Carer Information
The support provided by SENIS Medical Needs is based on the specific medical needs of your child or young person and may include information or advice.
Parents or carers of a child or young person with medical needs (with or without a statement of Special Educational Needs) can contact the Service for information and advice. For example, information about particular options and choices that are available including recommendations about a course of action a school, parent, young person or child can take.